Where your child’s educational path to excellence begins
Salcombe Prep ignites a passion for learning, establishing strong foundations for future success, starting with the offering of senior schools.

Pre-school pupils experience a balanced approach to learning, blending traditional methods with creative play. Our enriched Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum includes daily lessons in Maths, English and Phonics.
Additionally, the curriculum is further enriched across the week with specialised lessons in ICT, Music, and P.E.

Pupils smoothly transition into Pre-Prep life, building on the firm foundations laid in our Early Years provision.
Moving towards a more formal educational experience, we introduce children to the National Curriculum from Year 1, aiming to work a year ahead.
Year 2 see the intriduction of Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning in preparation for their Prep School journey.

As pupils prepare for rigorous external 11+ examinations, we transition from the National Curriculum to the more challenging The Independent Schools Examinations Board (ISEB) curriculum.
Pupils also adopt our unique secondary school-style timetable approach to learning.
Discover a Salcombe Prep education